Jackson Smith
Jackson Smith

Jackson has a PhD in Psychology and provides online counseling through a variety of telemedicine services. He also teaches at a mid-sized college in the Midwest. His expertise is varied, and that enables him to meet a variety of critical needs for our clients. When a student receives a letter of rejection or a series of rejections that can be devastating. Students often find themselves feeling paralyzed, unable to recover and move forward. Jackson takes these students under his wing and offers them the perfect combination of empathy and tough love. He reassures them that all is not lost, then helps them begin the practical steps of reworking their application material. He assists them in identifying any issues that may have led to rejection in the past and making the needed improvements to their application packages. More importantly, he acts as a source of encouragement and motivation to these students. We are happy to say that the overwhelming majority of students we refer to Jackson are able to gain acceptance into the programs they seek.

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